People are very often gets confused when they are searching for some quality materials or articles and can not finding any suitable website which fulfill their need. To help people in this case we created this page, where they will find a good collection of some awesome websites. Click on the respected name/topic and you will be automatically transferred to the respected website. These websites varies from a motivator to a scientist, from details of any board syllabus and books to research articles on any subject, from research journals to daily papers. If you are searching for any particular topic then search at search bar of the page, then you will find these topic very easily. Name of some persons and groups are given here repeatedly because there contribution is not limited to any particular field. They are very much versetile...
E-papers (Daily Newspapers):-
The world of some excellent scientists:-
The life of some Scientists:-
Some Research Article Publishing Groups:-
The world of Biology:-
Some world class Motivators:-
- Dale Carnegie
- Robin Sharma
- Robert Kiyosaki
- Shiv Khera
- Dr. Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen(A. P. J.) Abdul Kalam